Lord Hill Regional Park Hike Trip Report - Wednesday, February 9, 2023
In the group foto Derek Brown is sitting in front. On and behind the bench from left to right are Flo Burnett, Toni Williams, Becky Morgan, Cam Bradley, John Burnett and Ida Callahan.
We had a surprise, sunny day for our mossy and slightly muddy 4.5 mile hike in Lord Hill Regional Park. Derek Brown led us on the tangle of trails through forests carpeted with Sword Fern. We scrambled up a 650 foot knoll to a window viewpoint where we are pictured. Derek used his All Trails App to keep us on route, and several of us learned how to better utilize this handy tool for trail maps where ever you happen to hike. Cam shared another source of info for this and so many other local hikes in the series of “Urban Trails” books by Craig Romano.
The only “event” of the day was when John’s spare pole, stashed in his backpack, had a confrontation with an overhanging tree. The tree won!
We discussed eating Mexican in Monroe, but decided to end a satisfying hike with early drives home.
Submitted by Cam Bradley