Tumalo Falls – Bend, Oregon - Hike Report

On Tuesday, July 11, our group consisting of Kevin, Joanie, Patrick, Katie, Clarence, Gerlinde and Toni drove to the Tumalo Falls trailhead in hopes of nabbing parking spots at a popular trailhead and we were lucky enough to nab two newly vacated parking spaces. The trail was busy as we hiked up to the base of Tumalo Falls, but within a mile and a few more waterfalls, we had a few hikers and mountain bikers cross our path.

The trail slowly ascended towards our lunch destination of Happy Valley with at least 11 more falls. The trail offered plenty of tree cover that kept us comfortable until we arrived at Happy Valley our final destination and lunch spot. We were hungry, as were the mosquitos, so out came the bug repellent. The hike was an out and back of almost 8 miles and an elevation gain of 1200 feet.

What a beautiful day spent hiking and catching up with friends.

Submitted by Toni Williams


Lava Island Deschutes River– Bend, Oregon - Hike Report


Tumalo Creek – Bend, Oregon – Hike Report