O.O. Denny Park Loop Hike and Picnic
Cool and cloudy, with no rain made for a good day to hike up the Denny Creek ravine on the shores of Lake Washington. Five of us, in selfie, enjoyed the several bridges crossing the salmon-spawning creek and the lush greenery.
Gerlinde, Ian, Ida, Sandra, Cam
It was a special treat to see Ian, who as a child joined many CAI hikes with his grandparents John and Flo. He has been and still is our youngest member! At the uppermost end of the trail there is a long stairway which offers a leg-muscle challenge. The animal sighting of the hike was a fat banana slug munching on brightly colored shelf fungi.
After the hike we met Flo, who has a broken foot, and John at a picnic table on the beach. We shared a watermelon and pretended it was still summer.
Submitted by Cam Bradley